$8.80 $11.00
Color #1 will coordinate and be paired with color #2 and color #3 will coordinate and be paired with #4. The coordinating can be opposite colors or large print that is bold placed with a small print that has a different shade. This pattern comes in multiple size options and is considered a beginner to intermediate pattern. This is a paper pattern and comes in a booklet form with colored picutes and images showing the assembly of the block step by step
SIZE OF QUILT 106” X 106” 95” X 106” 83” X 95”
Color #1 1-1/2 YDS 1-1/4 YDS 1-1/4 YDS
Color #2 1-1/2 YDS 1-1/4 YDS 1-1/4 YDS
Color #3 1-1/2 YDS 1-1/4 YDS 3/4 YD
Color #4 1-1/2 YDS 1-1/4YDS 3/4 YD
White/Off White 3-1/4 YDS 3 YDS 2-1/2 YDS
Inner-Outer Border 1-1/2 YDS 1-1/2 YDS 1-1/4 YDS
Middle Border 1-1/2 YDS 1-1/2 YDS 1 YD
Binding 1 YD 3/4 YD 3/4 YD
Backing 3-1/2 YDS 108” 3 YDS 108” 2-3/4 YDS 108”
SIZE OF QUILT 72” X 95” 45” X 57” 45” X 45”
Color #1 1 YD 1/2 YD 1/2 YD
Color #2 1 YD 1/2 YD 1/2 YD
Color #3 3/4 YD 1/2 YD 1/4 YD
Color #4 3/4 YD 1/2 YD 1/4 YD
White/Off White 2 YDS 3/4 YD 3/4 YD
Inner-Outer Border 1-1/4 YDS 3/4 YD 1/2 YD
Middle Border 1 YD 1/2 YD 1/2 YD
Binding 3/4 YD 1/2 YD 1/2 YD
Backing 2-1/2 YDS 108” 4 YDS 42”-44” 3 YDS 42”-44”
3-5 business days
Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. I'm not responsible for delays due to customs.